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The single most powerful force behind WorkComp Solutions is our passion for helping employers save money.

We work with financial decision makers within businesses and government entities paying $100,000 or more in work comp premium, our goal is to reduce all of our clients’ comp costs by an average of 54%.

Get Started

How we help

Utilizing our exclusive and proprietary methods, we begin by showing you how to reduce L&I costs by 10% to 15% simply by taking advantage of discounts built into the L&I rating system. These savings come from accounting practices and have nothing to do with safety or reducing claims.

We then help create a highly effective culture of safety that motivates and holds employees accountable to policies and procedures that are logical, simple and dramatically reduce claims.

Key to our effectiveness is our unique 7-Step Solution for maximum reduction of workcomp cost. Implementing these 7 steps eliminates fraudulent claims, claims from pre-existing conditions, stops doctors from milking the system and get employees back to work the very next day. The 7 steps can reduce time loss claims by as much as 96% and on average, reduce premiums by 33%.

Completing our how-do-we-do-it toolbox is the ability to help you find the very best fit from among the 53 retro programs available in the State of Washington.

Outcomes you can expect

We change the game when it comes to taking control of your workcomp program.

Our experience tells us most employers are paying far too much for workers compensation because of a simple yet false assumption. They assume that because workcomp is controlled by the State of Washington, there is little if anything they can do to effect change. It’s a attitude of “you can’t fight city hall” except in this case it’s, “you can’t argue with Olympia.”

This assumption leads financial decision makers – who typically leave no stone unturned in their search for a better bottom line – to overlook the many significant cost-saving opportunities lying unrecognized and unutilized within their workcomp program.

The state is mostly to blame. Labor and Industry (L&I) is motivated to help the employee, not the employer. To them, more claims mean a bigger budget and greater job security.

Doctors too are a factor when they are slow and inefficient when it comes to doing their part to get employees back on the job.

Start Now

Everything we do is designed to change the game; bypassing bureaucrats, doctors and even those employees who would rather receive workers compensation than do an honest days work.

Contact Mike Sargent and he will immediately identify your opportunities for cost savings.

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